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November Currently

I am linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her monthly currently linky party!

My last load of weekend laundry is in the dryer! Hip hip horray 😉


My grade team is awesome.  I have been very lucky to work with awesome people every year but this year I feel especially lucky.  Everyone has the same goal, to give the kids the best education possible.  They are open to new ideas, to look at their practice and find weaknesses so that we can address them and grow as educators.  My principal is the same way.  I am truly inspired by these amazing, hard-working ladies every day and feel so lucky to be part of an amazing staff 🙂
I may have bitten off more than I can chew this week.   Between progress reports being due Friday, staff meeting on Tuesday after school, PD sessions after school on Wednesday AND Thursday I may be barely standing by the time Friday rolls around.  I’ll definetly need a lot of coffee this week!
The weather has been kind of yucky lately.  I just got new leather boots for my birthday from my boyfriend and I have Sorels for the snow but I don’t really have anything appropriate for this wet weather we have been getting except for the original Hunters that I own that are way too long and hard to drive in (I’m very short).  I’m thinking of getting the kids version since the shaft is shorter than the adult ones and also a lot cheaper.
Now safe with matte black or glossy red to add a pop of colour to my otherwise monochromatic wardrobe?
The struggle is real.

Progress reports are due this Friday and I need current assessment data.  If I could I would take a day and do assessments all day! But since that’s not possible I’ll be doing them every second I can get all week.

Oral language is a big focus at my new school, especially at the beginning of kindergarten.  I joined the book club for “Oral Language at Your Fingertips” in my board and have been loving it so far.  It’s a really easy read packed with lots of ideas to increase language development in your class.  It is put out by the Ontario Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Association so I don’t know if it’s widely available but I highly recommend it if you can get your hands on a copy!

Head over to Farley’s blog to link up too!