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Five for Friday: June 26

Today was the LAST day of school for me!
I’m officially on summer break!
I’m linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching to share 5 things from this week!

We decided to frame a picture of the two educators and the student and give it to them as a farewell gift on the last day of school.  I got the idea from Rainbows Within Reach.

We bought the wooden frames from Micheal’s and they painted the frame and then decorated the frame with stickers.

I placed the picture in the frame and glued on this message to them on the back.
I hope they liked it when they opened it!

One of my favourite things about the end of the year is the thoughtful messages in the cards that I often get from parents and colleagues.

This one below is from one of the moms of a boy in my class.
She is such a pleasure to work with and her words of gratitude made me tear up!

On Thursday afternoon (our last day with kids) we had a class party! We started with 4 minute to win it games… and they HAD A BLAST!

We split the team into boys and girls (we happened to have an even number of boys and girls that day) and kept a tally on the board for points.  Both teams were able to get a point if they could complete the activity within one minute.

First we played “Fan the Fish”.
For this one the students had to fan the paper fish from one side of the carpet to the other.

The second game was “Blow the Cup”.
The kids had to get the plastic cup from one short edge to the other.  If it went off the long edge by accident they had to start again at the beginning.
The third game we played was “Pom Pom Transfer”.
We put a little bit of vaseline on the kid’s noses and they had to transfer the pom pom from one plastic plate to the other without using their hands.

The last game we played was “Cookie Face”.
{Sorry I don’t have a picture for this one!}
This one was by far the hardest and only 1 kiddo was able to do it!
They had to put a cookie on their forehead and try to get it in their mouths without using their hands!
After the minute to win it games were over we had the treats that the parents brought in and after that it was time for dismissal!  It was a great way to end the school year with lots of laughter 🙂
Today I moved out of my room.
My contract ends today so I moved all of my stuff back home.
Also the room I was in is getting renovated over the summer so we had to move EVERYTHING out of the room and into storage except for things that are built in!

So at the end of the day our room looked like this:

And since I brought everything home our dining room looks like this right now…

And this isn’t even everything!
I have a car full of stuff still but I’m going to have my boyfriend help me move it into the house when he gets home.  Then I’ll have to sort, organize, wash etc. next week! Yikes!

A mini challenge from the TpT Seller Challenge popped up on my Facebook feed a couple of days ago.  The challenge was to revise your terms of use.  I have never liked my TOU and thought it would be a great time to give it an update! I made it so that it would match my blog design and brand.    This way I can merge it with new files I make and I won’t have to remake a TOU each time I make a new product! Yay! Hopefully this will save me some time this summer when I am (hopefully) making lots of new products!

That’s it for me!

I hope you had a great week and a great weekend!