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My Favourite Literacy Videos for Kindergarten

Hi there!

I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a long time.  I’m finally getting to it because I think now is the perfect time as I’m sure many parents are looking for easy ways to get some academics into their day during this COVID-19 school closure!
In my Kindergarten classroom we have a literacy carpet time and a math carpet time.  At first I just introduce one song at a time at the beginning of literacy carpet time or I introduce it when I am doing a corresponding lesson (e.g. CVC song before I do a CVC word lesson).  Then I add it to our “Literacy Songs” folder and the special helper of the day gets to choose a video at the beginning of literacy carpet time!
I have separated the songs into categories so it is easier to find songs you may be looking for.  There are many songs out there to teach these concepts.. these are just my favourites!

***Click on the titles of the songs to take you to the video on YouTube!***


This one is great simple one for learning the names of the letters!
This one is a good one for learning letter sounds! I love this one because it is more interactive with the actions!
My kids really like this one this year! Since we usually learn the “Do You Know These Letter Sounds?” song first they often add actions themselves when we play this song!
This one is my new favourite!  It has it all… a catchy tune, names the letter and the sound and has fun actions!  The kids LOVE this one too!
This one is a little long for using as a warm up song but great as a brain break! It names each letter/sound and the kids can follow along by making the letter with their body and then doing the actions for each word with the girl on the screen!  This one is a great one for kinaesthetic learners!
This one is another favourite! This one only practices vowels but it is a good and fun one regardless!
I use this one when I teach the reading strategy “Flippy Dolphin” to show students that vowels have 2 sounds!


This one is a great one for practicing sight words!

The tune is the same as the one above but this one has different words.


I use this one when I introduce CVC words!
It’s hard to come by good digraph songs.  This Pevan & Sarah one are my favourite!
Unfortunately Pevan & Sarah only have a song for the ch digraph but this one by HeidiSongs is a good one for learning the /sh/ digraph!
Jack Hartman has songs for all of the digraphs and they are all good!
Here is a fun one for the digraph “ph”!
I like these songs by PB school because it is clear, short and easy for the kids to learn and sing along to!
I use this one when we introduce Super E or CVCe words.  This one is a favourite every year!
Although Super E is my favourite song for teaching about CVCe words “The Magic E song” is also a good one!
I hope you find this list of my favourite literacy videos for Kindergarten helpful! Did I miss an amazing one you use in your Kindergarten classroom? Let me know in the comments so I can check it out!
– Yukari