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Five for Friday: October 7

Hi guys!
I’m linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching to share with you 5 things from my classroom this week!

I love making co-created posters with the kids at the beginning of the year. I find that the kids use the resources a lot more too when they are co-created and referred to often!
Last year we made these.
This year I was inspired by Anamaria from Wonders in Kindergarten. You can see her blogpost about her co-created alphabet here. We followed her lead and brainstormed items that started with each letter first. Then we collected the items from around the room or I gathered them after school. We took a few photos a day until we had all 26 pictures and then I used PowerPoint to add the textbooks for the letter and labels.

>> I have been asked to share my template for these co-created alphabet posters, so here they are! You can click here or on the image below to grab them <<

The number posters are the same as last year! They used these a lot last year so I thought, why fix something if it’s not broken? The number formation song that we use at the bottom of the poster is “The Numeral Song” by Dr. Jean!
We went on a shape hunt and made our first class book! The students were asked to point out and identify shapes they saw as they walked down the hallway.
My ECE partner took them for the hunt in small groups (4-5 at a time). They used our classroom iPad to take the pictures.
After the hunt, I loaded all of the pictures onto my computer and created these pages for the students to fill out:

The next day students came and completed the sentences. They love seeing the pictures they took made into a book! It has been a very popular choice on our bookshelf this week 🙂

This simple invitation to sort with black beans, buttons, empty fruit cups and tweezers were a hit for a few days this week!


Although sorting buttons was popular, hands down the MOST popular centre this week was number locks! I finally collected enough locks to make this centre. Locks are expensive so I’ve been buying one or two at a time at the dollar store.

I wrote the numerals on the locks with sharpie and attached shower rings to the keys and added beads to them. The kids were asked to count the beads, find the matching lock and open the locks. Lots of great fine motor practice at this centre too!
5. Alphabet QR Code Word Wall

I have this one teammate who is so supportive of the resources I create. She is always showing me how she is using the resources I create with her students (which makes me SO happy!).
Last week I went to ask her a question and saw her word wall and thought.. THAT IS SO SMART!!
She used the cards from my “Alphabet QR Codes for Kindergarten” as her word wall headers!
Honestly.. I need to do this too! I would love to update my current headers with QR codes.. Maybe a winter break project 🙂
If you are interested in checking these QR code alphabet cards out you can see them in my store here or by clicking on the image below:
You can check out more Five for Friday posts by clicking on the image below:
That’s it from me this week! If you’re in Canada like me, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving long weekend!
– Yukari