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BH Teacher Week 2016

Hi guys!
I’m sipping on my coffee and recapping the BH Teacher Week Link-Up that was originally on Instagram!
>> You can see my original posts on my Instagram HERE <<
1. Meet Me Monday
On Monday we were asked to post a few facts about ourselves.  Here is my little graphic!
This is me in a nutshell! I am also a big lover of guacamole, farmhouse decor (a la Fixer Upper) and cozy sweaters in the fall <3
2. Teaching Tuesday
On Tuesday we were asked to share our favourite lesson to teach.
My favourite lesson is this labeling lesson by Julie Lee of Mrs. Lee’s Kindergarten! I have done it every year and the kids always think it’s hilarious 😉 I don’t have a good picture showing you the lesson but click on the link above and read her post for more information!
3. Where I Work Wednesday

On Wednesday we were asked to share a picture of where we work.
Here is a look at my classroom set-up, taken the morning of the first day of school:

>> You can see my full classroom reveal for 2016 by clicking here. <<
4. Threads Thursday

On Thursday we were asked to post about our favourite teaching outfit.  So here is one of mine!

I love this blouse because it is machine washable! I also love these pants. If you are short like me (I’m 5’2 with very short legs) they are super comfy AND you may not have to hem them (wash them first before you get them hemmed because they shrank on me and now they are the perfect length!). 
These flats are also one of the only things that I can wear other than my TOMS that don’t make my feet ache at the end of the day. They are not available right now but I think they bring this flat back from time to time.
Outfit details:
Blouse: J.Crew Blouse (SIMILAR machine washable blouse here)
Shoes: Madewell Sidewalk Skimmer in Leopard
My school uniform is either a simple blouse + dress pants + flats (like above) or t-shirt + jeans + TOMS.
5. Friends Friday

On Friday we were asked to share about some of our favourite teacher friends.

I’m going to brag on some of my amazing teacher friends that I have had the honour of knowing and working with!

I’m going to talk about each of these amazing friends from left to right and top to bottom:
Amanda was my teaching partner when I was in my first LTO.  I took over a teacher going on maternity leave in October and was so overwhelmed with all the new learning of being a first time LTO and managing a class with many needs. She answered all my questions, picked me up for lunch every day (those who know me in real life know that I have a tendency to hermit in my room and not eat enough) and was just the best teaching partner that I could have ever asked for. I am so happy that we have kept in touch after our LTO’s ended at that school and we have gone on to teach at different schools. 
Kellie was my ECE partner the last two years at my current school. She is both one of the most wonderful educators and people that I have ever met. She is so kind, hard working and hilarious. She programs for inquiry like a boss and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to watch her teach and learn from her for two years. This year she is down the hall in another classroom and although I already miss her those kids in that classroom are so very lucky to have her as one of their teachers!
Mariella is my teaching partner this year! We have worked in the same division at the same school for the last 2 years so we already know each other which is such a bonus. I am so looking forward to getting to know her even better and we have already started off with a great first week. I wanted to introduce her to you guys as she may be making an appearance here and there on this blog 🙂
Nicole joined our Kindergarten team last year and I could have not been more happy. She is refreshingly honest and realistic about teaching Kindergarten. She constantly reminded me that it’s ok to slow down and to work hard but also to appreciate time outside of school.  She is hilarious and I miss her so much and our before/after school chats as she is on maternity leave this year. 
My lit coach asked me last year how I learned to be such a great Kindergarten teacher (first of all what an honour to be recognized like that..) and I told her that although I feel like I am far from a great teacher, if I seem that way it is because of the wonderful Kindergarten educators that I have had the pleasure to work with and learn from. These 4 are just a few of many who have made an impact on my teaching.
Thank you for reading my very wordy and long post!
It’s not too late to add your pictures so that other teachers can find you through the hashtag #bhteacherweek16 on Instagram! Or you can click here to visit more blog posts about the BH Teacher Week ’16!