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Five for Friday – July 1

Hi guys!
For those that just had their last day of school like me, happy summer break!!
I’m joining Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching to share 5 things from my last week of school 🙂
1. Thank You Poster Card
On the last day of school my ECE and I decided to make a poster “card” for our lunch supervisor. We have a fantastic lunch supervisor who does not get the credit that she so deserves. It is such a tough job and she does it so well day in and out. I started by telling them that we will be writing a card to her and asked them why we might be doing that. Thankfully they got it right away and said “to thank her for helping us everyday!”
We wrote down a couple examples whole group and then called the kids in small groups during centre time to write down the rest. 
We presented our card to our lunch supervisor when she came and she seemed to like it, so I’m going to say it was a success 😉 This would also work well for your specials teachers, admin staff, custodian etc!
2. Words of Affirmation
Words of affirmation is definitely my love language and I so enjoy getting cards from my kids and parents at the end of the year. This mom, who I’ve had the pleasure to work with for 2 years, always writes me the sweetest, most thoughtful cards.
I keep all my cards in a special box and when I feel down about teaching I pull them out and read them to remember why I do what I do or to remind myself that there is at least a handful of parents who appreciate the time and effort I put into this profession.

I will miss her and this kiddo A LOT!

3. Co-Worker Gifts

I needed something quick and easy for co-worker gifts this year, so I looked through the tags in this pack by Amanda from A Perfect Blend that I purchased earlier this year. I had a hard time choosing but decided on this one…
and added flair pens and a large lined post-it notepad on the back for my teammates…
and used this one

for all the ECE’s on our team, my principal, VP, secretary, custodian and specials teachers 🙂
4. Domino Parking Lot

This is actually an activity from a while ago that I just found on my computer! We used this activity when we were learning about composing numbers. The students are asked to put the 2 sides of the domino together and place or “park” the domino in the correct spot.
You can download this printable for free by clicking on the image below! I hope you can save it and use it next year 🙂
5. Tallies Anchor Chart
Here’s another oldie I found on my laptop from when we learned tallies this year! I saw this chant on Pinterest (I can’t remember who the original creator is.. if it’s you, let me know so I can give you credit!) and it really stuck with my kids!

That’s it from me for now! If you want to read more Five for Fridays or link up with your own post, click on the image below!
I’m excited for summer and for more time to create for TPT, do some professional reading (including reading up on the new growing success and curriculum for Kindergarten), traveling to Vancouver to visit my family and LOTS of R&R!!! 
I’m also hoping to blog about some of my most frequently asked questions in the near future. Leave me a question in the comments below if you have something you would like to have answered!
For all you fellow Canadians, I hope you’re having a great long weekend!