Liebster Award

Liebster Award

I’m finally getting around to accepting and answering questions for the Liebster Award I recieved! The Liebster Award is a way for newer bloggers (with less than 200 followers) who have great content, to link up, meet other bloggers and share a little about themselves! I was nominated by Laura from Luv My Kinders and Jayme from Teach.Talk.Inspire….

April Currently

April Currently

I’m one day late.. I completely forgot about Farley’s monthly Currently linky! If I didn’t see Jennifer from A Dab of Glue Will Do‘s post about it on Instagram I would of missed it! Thanks Jenn! Here’s my currently! Listening: D left Sports Centre on and left for hockey and it was on when I first…

Teaching Integrity in FDK and Hosting an Integrity Assembly

Teaching Integrity in FDK and Hosting an Integrity Assembly

Hey! I’m back to talk about the assembly we just hosted at our school. At our school 2 teachers are in charge of putting together the character assembly each month. Our character trait was integrity! To teach the kids about integrity, first I told them the exciting news that we would be part of the…

March Currently

March Currently

Can you believe it’s already March? Where did the first two months go!? I’m linking up with Farley for her monthly “Currently”! Listening: Sunday night means housework and finishing up lesson planning for the week! Usually I plan on Thursdays but I completely forgot so I had to do it all tonight! Thankfully I’m all done and was…