March 2020

March 2020

Hi guys! I started writing this post in March but then the school closures happened and I forgot that I had even started this post.. but I recently found it and thought I would still share it since it has a free freebies in the post! 1. PIPE CLEANER RAINBOW STEM I love this centre…

COVID-19: Freebies for Parents Teaching Kindergarten Aged Children
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COVID-19: Freebies for Parents Teaching Kindergarten Aged Children

What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been.  I have been thinking long and hard about what would be the best way for me to support others during this pandemic.  I started working on a home schooling package… but I couldn’t find a way to make it comprehensive and play-based while also making it…

February Ideas for Kindergarten: Valentine’s Day, 100th Day of School, Pink Shirt Day and More! (with 8 Freebies!)
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February Ideas for Kindergarten: Valentine’s Day, 100th Day of School, Pink Shirt Day and More! (with 8 Freebies!)

Hi friends! Here is what we’ve been up to in February! Read on if you need ideas for Valentine’s Day, 100th Day of School, Pink Shirt Day and more! And don’t miss the 8 FREEBIES in this post! 1. DON’T DROP THE ANIMALS! The kiddos LOVED this game!! I got this idea from @rece_fdk_1994 on…

January 2020
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January 2020

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great holiday! Here is what we have been up to in our classroom this month! 1. NEW YEAR’S EVE SENSORY BIN Here is a simple sensory bin that you can put together with left over New Year’s Eve goodies! The students enjoyed feeling and wearing the various…

December 2019

December 2019

Here are some things we have been up to in our classroom this month! 1. CANDY CANE FINGERPRINT ORNAMENT I was originally going to do fingerprint snowmen or reindeer but then I saw @creativekindergartenblogontpt post about her candy cane ornaments and these looked so much easier so we switched to these.  I have to say…

Diwali in Kindergarten

Diwali in Kindergarten

Hi everyone! When I posted about the Diwali centres and activities we did in class, many of you asked me to share more.  All of the credit for these lesson ideas and activities go to my amazing ECE partner (she prepped everything, except the the word booklet and the fill in the blank information sheets). …

October 2019
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October 2019

Here are some of the things we have been up to this month! 1. INVITATION TO CREATE – APPLES One of my teaching partners told me about this easy invitation to create and I love it!  I love how the kids need to look closely and problem solve as they build their apple.  I also…