heart words

Heart Words: What They Are, Resources to Practice Them + 2 Freebies!

Hi friends! Have you recently come across the term heart words and wondering what they are? Or maybe you’re an early SoR adopter and have been teaching irregular high frequency words this way for a few years now! I first learned about heart words when I started my SoR learning journey a few years ago….


Free VCe Lessons for Kindergarten (+ 10 Centre Ideas!)

 Hi there! I have an old blog post about how I teach CVCe or VCe words in Kindergarten (you can see that post if you are interested here: https://apinchofkinder.com/2016/04/super-e-activities-for-cvce-words.html) but I thought I’d write an updated post since I recently updated my VCe Centres resource and added a ton of new activities! First, I always start…

Digraph Ideas + Activities for Kindergarten (with FREE Google Slides Lessons!)

Digraph Ideas + Activities for Kindergarten (with FREE Google Slides Lessons!)

 Hi there! Have your students mastered CVC words and some CVCC/CCVC words? It may be time to move on digraphs! What is a Digraph? A digraph is when 2 letters make one sound. There are consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs, but in Kindergarten typically only the consonant digraphs are introduced so we will be focusing…