Teaching Sorting in FDK

Teaching Sorting in FDK

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you my favourite lessons and resources for teaching sorting in Kindergarten! LESSONS: First of all here are my plans for sorting: You can click on the image above to download the plans in PDF for easy printing! On Day 1, I introduce our learning goal for sorting…

Five for Friday – May 27

Five for Friday – May 27

Hi guys! I’m linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching to share 5 random things from this week! 1. Pinecone Observation Paintings My kids are still loving these water colour observational drawings/paintings.  Some of the items we have been looking closely at and painting include pinecones (pictured above) and caterpillars.  We often put magnifying…

Teaching Addition in Kindergarten (Lesson Ideas, Centre Ideas + Freebies!)

Teaching Addition in Kindergarten (Lesson Ideas, Centre Ideas + Freebies!)

*This post has been updated with new photos + freebies on June 10, 2024* Wow the year is flying by! I can’t believe we are working on addition already! Read on to grab some ideas for teaching addition 🙂 Addition Lessons: Day 1: On the first day I just introduce addition and tell them that…