A Pinch of Kinder Favicon

Weekly Round-Up: March 24

Hi friends! I’m back to share with you some of the things we have been up to in our classroom this week!
So my kids are still OBSESSED with card making ever since we introduced it before Valentine’s Day.  Our mailbox is full daily of cards to their friends and family!
I decided to give the card centre a little Easter revamp on Friday night to keep the engagement going.
I added some pastel cards, Easter card covers (2 options), Easter card writing helper, Easter stamps, Easter stickers, Crayola Super Tips in Easter colours and 2 Easter Smencils!
The Easter samps and stickers are from Dollarama.
My librarian sells Smencils in our school library as a fundraiser so I grabbed these Easter ones a while ago.  The kids have been asking about them so I’m sure they will be a big hit!
They are regular pencils but the packaging is scented.  They smell sooo good!
If you are interested in the card writing helper and the covers, they are in my new “Card Writing Expansion Pack”.  You can click here or on the image below if you are interested in checking it out!
My kids still love bingo daubers, so I made some Easter themed ones for them! These are in my Easter pack if you are interested in grabbing them!
For our Easter dry erase sheets, I made up these Easter sentence ones where the kids can trace the sentence and then write the sentence by themselves underneath!  My kids like dry erase activities so this has been a hit and good practice for all of my kiddos.
You can also find this in my Easter pack here.
I introduced wordless stories to my kids this week and they are obsessed with making their own now! I showed them “Chalk” by Bill Thomson and “A Ball for Daisy” by Chris Raschka.  We talked about how the author added facial expressions and lots of detail to each page so we are able to infer what is happening in the story easily.
Then they set to work making their own!  Here is one of my favourites from the week.  I’ll write down what she said when she read me her story under each photo.
“One day Duck was going to a birthday party and wanted to bring a bunny shaped balloon to it.  So she walked to Rabbit and asked her if she was selling any bunny shaped balloons but Rabbit said “no.”
“Duck was so sad she ran away crying.  She dropped her hat.”
“Rabbit had an idea.  She went to the store and bough 3 animal shaped balloons.  Duck came back because she dropped her hat.  She saw that Rabbit had new balloons.  She asked “Do you have any bunny shaped balloons?”  “Yes I do!” said Rabbit.  Duck was so happy.  She bought the bunny shaped balloon and went to the birthday party.  The end.”
Amazing right? I let the kids share these after morning centres or at the end of the day before dismissal.
If you want the template for the wordless stories (and the lesson that goes with it) you can grab it in my “Step by Step 2: Kindergarten Writing Plans“.  Click here if you are interested in checking it out! 
Friday was our last day with our CYW student.  She was in our classroom almost every day for the last 7 weeks and she was fantastic so I wanted to do something for her.  So we made a book for her and we read it to her on the last day!

I had one of my kids draw her on the cover and each kid write one word to describe her and the reason they chose that word.

Here are some pages from the inside:

Ms. Pinsent is so nice because she helps me make the bees.
Ms. Pinsent is cool because she has a nice smile.
Ms. Pinsent is sweet because she helps me write hard words.
I added my own thank you card and a Tim Horton’s gift card as my little way of saying thanks for all of the help she has given me the last month and a half! She did so much prep work for me, I miss her!!
If you want to grab the template to make this book for a parent volunteer, a practicum student or any other person you want to thank as a class, you can get the editable PowerPoint file by clicking here or on the image below:
That’s it from me for this week!
Have a great weekend!
– Yukari