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Five for Friday: May 13th

Happy Friday!
I’m popping in to share 5 activities from my classroom this week!
1. Chicka Chicka 1 • 2 • 3
Do you know the book “Chicka Chicka 1 • 2 • 3”? This book was recommended to me at a workshop so I borrowed it from my local library.  I love it! It’s great for reinforcing number order and it is catchy just like the original.  
I set this book out with number magnets, felt pieces to make an apple tree, red pom poms and red beads for the apples and some bee buttons.
The kids ordered numbers, acted out the book, created “apple” sets on the apple tree to match the magnets etc.
2. Stop & Go Sign
Do you have a bathroom in your room?  These signs have been a lifesaver for us this year! The bathroom doesn’t have a lock so we wanted a way for the kids to tell if someone was in the bathroom.  We put velcro on the door and velcro both sides of the sign.  They put it to GO when they come out and STOP when they go in.

I print the STOP sign on red and the GO sign on green, glue them together and then laminate it for durability.  I make 2-3 at the beginning of the year so that I can switch them out mid-year/when needed.
You can download the template for these by clicking on the image below:
3. Alphabet & Sight Word Provocation #2

A few weeks ago I shared this alphabet & sight word provocation I set out.
I switched it out for this one this week and the kids have been having fun exploring letters, sight words etc. with new materials!

4. Probability
We have started probability this week!
This is my third year teaching it in Kindergarten but I finally put together a real unit and the kids are doing such a great job!
We started by learning the words always, sometimes and never.
Here are some examples of the sentences the kids came up with!
From the top and clockwise:
“In Kindergarten I sometimes read at the bookshelf.”
“In Kindergarten I sometimes go to art centre but I never play birthday play dough.”
In Kindergarten I always try my best at all the centres.”
I’ll be sharing more about the whole unit when we are done! If you are interested in grabbing the printables you see above you can get them in my probability unit on TPT.  Click here or on the image below if you are interested in checking it out!
5. Katy Duck Is a Caterpillar

I knew we were getting our caterpillars this week (more on that soon!) so I picked this fiction text to read and write about for our writing wall for May!
After I read them Katy Duck Is a Caterpillar, I read them the question below and I had some of the students share their ideas.

We are writing our responses on these sheets in guided writing groups.

I have such great writers this year! They are doing a great job writing long sentences, using words in the question and adding detail by writing why they want to be what they chose!
If you are interested in grabbing the writing paper you can find it in my butterfly unit  by clicking here or on the picture below.
That’s it from me this week!
If you want to share your own Five for Friday you can link up with Kacey by clicking on the image below:
Hope you have a great weekend!